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Curriculum Vitae

I am bilingual (Native Japanese & Fluent English) and can teach in both Japanese and English. 

With my international background, I have the ability to connect with people around me in a positive fashion regardless of nationalities or differences in ways of thinking. I also enjoy communicating science to a broader audience, and absorb a significant amount of energy and motivation through meeting people. 


  1. Hirabayashi, K., Murch, SJ., Erland, LAE. "Predicted impacts of climate change on wild and commercial berry habitats will have food security, conservation, and agricultural implications." Science of Total Environment 845 (2022) 157341.

  2. Hirabayashi, K., Owens, GL. "The rate of inversion fixation in plant genomes is highly variable." bioRxiv (preprint)


  • Hirabayashi, K., Murch, SJ., Erland, LAE. "Climate change impacts on native North American wild and commercial berry habitat", Poster presentation at ESA&CSEE meeting 2022 in Montreal, QC. August 18.

  • Hirabayashi, K., Owens, GL. 2022. “Comparative genomics: chromosomal inversions in eudicots without adaptive selection”, Poster presentation at Evolution 2022 in Cleveland, OH. June 25, 28.

  • Hirabayashi, K., Owens, GL. 2022. “The science of DNA extraction: Why is DNA extraction from plants so hard?”, Oral presentation at 2021-2022 Biology Graduate Sympodium. April 7.

  • Hirabayashi, K., Erland, LAE., Murch, SJ. 2021. “Climate change resilience of Native American Vaccinium species”, On-Demand 6-minute talk at Virtual Evolution 2021. June 21 – 25.

  • Hirabayashi, K., Erland, LAE., Murch, SJ. 2021. “Climate change resilience of Native American Vaccinium species”, Poster presentation at Chemistry Undergraduate Research Conference in UBCO. April 14.

  • Hirabayashi, K., Erland, LAE., Murch, SJ. 2020. “In silico distribution modelling of Vaccinium species and their response to climate change”, Poster presentation at Arctic Change 2020 Virtual Conference. December 6 – 8.

Teaching experiences
& Outreach

GTA - lab instructor

Graduate Teaching Assistant for BIOL225 - Cell Biology (September 8, 2022 ~ )

The second-year undergraduate course 

Materials taught include: 

  • basics of cell biology

REO Program

National Research Exploration Opportunity Program (March 20 to March 25, 2022)

The REO Program is a federal charity program run by STEM fellowship, aiming to allow high school students to virtually shadow mentors at research facilities across Canada during Spring Break.

I conducted a week-long mentorship, consisting of 1-2 hours of virtual meeting per day.

Materials taught include: 

  • DNA extraction basics 

  • Genomic research aims and why we study them 

  • How to read a scientific paper

Volunteer at GVPAF

Volunteer at Greater Victoria Performing Arts Festival 2022 (April 21 and May 1, 2022)

GVPAF is an annual performing art event that gathers hundreds of young artists across Greater Victoria where they showcase, compete, and celebrate the arts they create.

I was responsible as a backstage assistant and reception with roles include: 

  • Guided dancers to assigned spaces and the stage area, making sure they were not late.

  • Kept the backstage quiet and not over-crowded.

  • Sold tickets to audience, guided them to the seats.

Judge at VSF

Volunteer as a judge at the Virtual Science Fair 2022 (April 9 and 10, 2022)

This annual Canada-Wide Science Fair, the largest youth STEM event in Canada, is the highlight of scientific research project conducted by students between Grade 1 and 12. Judged two sections: Central Interior and Vancouver Island.

My roles as a judge included: 

  • Responsible for assessing students’ research for quality and excellence through prior reading of their project reports, interviewing and listening to presentations, and facilitating discussions with students and other judges for their work.

  • Responsible for providing constructive feedback and supportive atmosphere to each student judged.

TA - Marker

Undergraduate Teaching Assistant for BIOC304/BIOL311: Molecular Biochemistry I (September 2020 to December 2020)

The 3rd-year undergraduate course with 245 students, total of 52 teams.

I was responsible for marking weekly assignments and provide feedbacks on application exercises. 

Materials taught include: 

  • Molecular biology in general (cell biology, biological molecules)

  • Basic metabolism

TA - Marker

Undergraduate Teaching Assistant for BIOL265: Principles of Genetics (September 2019 to December 2020)

The 2nd-year undergraduate course with an average of 160 students per term, 2 midterms per term.

I was responsible for marking midterms, fairly and consistently, returned in a timely manner. I also invigilated midterms and final exams. 

Materials taught include: 

  • Basic genetics (Mendelian inheritance, recombination, triple-crossover event) 

TA - Teacher

Undergraduate Teaching Assistant for MATH125: Pre-Calculus (September 2019 to December 2019)

The 1st-year undergraduate course with an average of 20 students per class.

I reviewed topics covered in lecture in a 45-minute seminar class. I also marked midterms and assignments and returned them in a timely fashion. 

Materials taught include: 

  • Graphing basic functions

  • Trigonometric functions

  • Solving equations​


SOUEI SEMINAR Tutor (May 2018/19 to August 2018/19)

SOUEI SEMINAR is a private cram school in Japan where students attend after school to improve their weaknesses and enhance their learning skills, study habit, and strategies to prepare for tests.

I provided progress report to highlight each student's achievements accurately after every class. I suggested ideas to improve students' success by the end of every workday at the teachers' meeting. 

I taught one to four students at a time from primary school (grade 3-6), junior high school (grade 7-9), and high school (grade 10-12). 

Subjects taught include: 

  • Math

  • Science (biology, physics, chemistry) 

  • English 

  • Social studies (law, politics, geography) 

  • Japanese literature and grammar ​

  • LinkedIn

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